The filing drew praise from Meghan DiMuzio, executive director for the Coalition for App Fairness, which represents companies including Match Group Inc and Spotify Technology SA that oppose some of the Play Store rules.

WASHINGTON/OAKLAND, Calif., July 7 (Reuters) – Thirty-seven U.S.
state and district attorneys general sued Alphabet Inc’s Google on Wednesday, alleging that it bought off competitors and used restrictive contracts to unlawfully maintain a monopoly for its app store on Android phones.

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state that began in September 2019 and have already resulted in three other lawsuits against the company. The cases threaten to force major changes to how it generates billions of dollars in revenue across its businesses, including advertising, in-app purchases and smart home gadgets.

“Google must be held accountable for harming small businesses and consumers,” Utah Attorney General Sean D. Reyes, one of the lawsuit’s leaders, said in a statement. “It must stop using its monopolistic power and hyper-dominant market position to unlawfully leverage billions of added dollars from smaller companies, competitors and consumers beyond what should be paid.”

Former President Donald Trump’s blog has vanished from his official website and won’t be returning, CNBC reported Wednesday. The blog, which he used to share statements after being banned by social media sites like Facebook and Twitter, launched last month.

Its version for PS4 consoles was the most downloaded game in the U.S./Canada and Europe in June, according to PlayStation’s blog website Cyberpunk sold nearly 14 million copies last year but the company has not provided updated numbers.

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The plaintiffs, which include California and the District of Columbia, also say Google has unlawfully mandated that some apps use the company’s payment tools and give Google as much as 30% of digital goods sales.

Asked by why he vandalized the gallery as he was being led to a squad car, Webber yelled out: ‘Because Hunter Biden is helping to launder money for his godfather. That’s why Daddy War Crimes were the words on the wall.’

The suit focuses on the 30% fee Google charges developers for selling digital goods and services via the Play Store. As of July 1, that fee dropped to 15% until developers hit $1 million in revenue for the year. The new lawsuit, reported earlier by Politico, mirrors one filed last year against Google by Epic Games, developer of the popular battle royale game Fortnite.

In total, attorneys general for 36 states and DC will join the new suit, which is being led by Utah, North Carolina, Tennessee, New York, Arizona, Colorado, Iowa and Nebraska, according to Politico. A heavily redacted copy of the lawsuit (see below) was filed in US District Court for the Northern District of California.

“We don’t impose the same restrictions as other mobile operating systems do,” Wilson White, Google’s senior director of public policy, wrote in a blog post. “So, it’s strange that a group of state attorneys general chose to file a lawsuit attacking a system that provides more openness and choice than others.”

They also called for civil penalties and a court-imposed monitor to ensure Google eases the process for consumers, app developers and smartphone makers to use or promote alternatives to the Play Store and the official payment system for 20 years. In addition, the states seek to stop Google’s payments to Samsung and developers.

The blog, “From the Desk of Donald J. Trump,” was “just auxiliary” to the ex-president’s communications efforts, senior aide Jason Miller told CNBC. In his posts, Trump adopted a tone similar to the one he used on his now-defunct Twitter account — cheering on his supporters and criticizing his rivals and detractors.

‘Of course he has the right to pursue an artistic career just like any child of a president has the right to pursue a career, but all interactions regarding the selling of art and the setting of prices will be handled by a professional gallerist, adhering to the highest industry standards, and any offer out of the normal course would be rejected out of hand,’ she said.

‘Ask any politician – you can’t avoid being corrupted by the office. Maybe he went in with good intentions, but he’s been corrupted over the years. He’s worked with segregationists, Klansmen. And now, I don’t even know what’s going on with this gallery situation but he can’t stop bombing Syria or Iraq and someone should say something about it, so let’s go see Hunter Biden’s gallery.’

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