There will be more than one person you date when searching for the right soul mate. You may even consider marriage if you find the right person for you on your first date.

Do you ever wonder why we are drawn to only a few people, especially when it comes to romance?

Good chemistry is essential for any relationship to thrive. But, did you know that astrology can also determine if two people are the right fit for each other?

A sub-branch of Astrology known as Synastry shows how two people were born and compares it to a map showing the heavens.

Does this mean that it is possible to predict if two people will get married based solely on information in their birth charts?

Although it is a personal decision to tie the knot, there are many factors that can influence your decision. There are some best aspects of synastry that indicate the possibility for a long-term relationship. Learn more about these cosmic forces and find out if you will enjoy your marriage to your partner.

Synastry refers to the comparison of the natal charts for two individuals. This process determines the positions of particular significant planets. They form interplanetary angels called aspects. These alignments can create either ideal or difficult conditions for two individuals to get along with one another when they interact.

Square and opposition are negative aspects that can cause friction in a relationship. Positive aspects like conjunction, sextile, or trine are positive and can lead to a healthy relationship.

This guide will however focus on the synastry aspects that are best for marriage. These can be connected to any of the following planets and points of astrological importance.


Three of the most important components in synastry are the sun, moon and ascendant. Because they have an impact on the emotional and impression-making reactions that result from interactions between two people.

The moon represents your feelings, whereas the sun embodies who you really are or your personality. On the other, the ascendant affects how people see you and your image to them. Having trine, sextile, or conjunct aspects between any of these placements suggests two people who will get along very well.

Venus has been called the goddess for love in Roman mythology. Astrologers look to this planet to find out how anyone will approach matters of the heart.

This planet can form harmonious aspects with the birth chart of another person, and this could lead to the couple becoming eternally in love. Venus is an indicator of strong affection, attraction and love. Depending on which planet it is forming an aspect with, its energy can play out differently. For instance, a Venus conjunct moon synastry points to a lovey-dovey couple. This synastry aspect of marriage is ideal if you are looking for romance.

Mercury is often called the “messenger for the gods” because it governs how people express themselves. Positively oriented, Mercury supports good communication within a relationship.

A Mercury Trine Sun symbol suggests mutual understanding that fosters respect in marriage. An example of a moon-Mercury balance that is harmonious is when two people share their feelings with no fear and in a supportive, caring manner.

Open, (link webpage) honest communication can resolve any issue that married couples have, whether it be about children, money, intimacy or anything else. Harmonious Venus aspects that encourage dialogue can be a key to building a lasting marriage.

Mars is the planet which attracts physical love. Venus rules romantic attraction, but Venus is the planet that rules sexual attraction. This planet has a significant influence on the sex drive in astrology. Positive Mars-related synastry is a sign of a happy sex life and is a key ingredient to a happy marriage.

The Moon conjunct Mars symbolises a passionate and hot relationship. Besides physical attraction, this aspect indicates the existence of a strong emotional connection as well.

Venus trine Mars can also be a great synastry element for marriage in astrology. It can spark passion between romantically involved partners.


There are many overlays that may hint at a happy union, beyond the intra-aspect alignments and planets on the Birth Chart. The 7th house is a good example.

This placement isn’t an aspect in the astrological sense but it is very important for relationships. The reason for that is because the 7th house rules marriage and partnerships.

If the sun happens in this area of your partner’s birth chart, you will be considered the perfect spouse. Venus activating their 7th House will also make them admire your way of expressing your love. 7th House overlays are usually felt by the houseperson


Synastry can be a great way to determine if two people are suitable for marriage.

But, even as you turn to the stars for advice, keep in mind that the details you find are not necessarily cast in stone. Because we all have free will, the outcome of any relationship is entirely up to each individual.

Being able to combine the best aspects of your synastry and marriage can make it more likely that you will have a loving, fulfilling union.

You should take the time and look at what other secrets might be hidden between your birth chart & potential dates. You might find the right match by looking at favorable indicators.