In today’s business climate you cannot afford to overlook what an asset virtual assistants are to the growth of your business. If you hire the right virtual assistant, you have not only a remote employee but a business partner… all in one!

But the job convenience of Virtual Assistant UK is the highlight of this job. You can sit at home, you can be your own leader or boss, you can set your timings, goals to be accomplished, and decide how and by when you want to finish and submit the work.

Search for the phrase “virtual assistant rates” on Google and you get over 700,000 results. Reading through just the first few links is enough to get the general idea. Most virtual assistants, regardless of the types of services they offer, charge between $25 and $50 per hour. Or at least that’s what they report in surveys, on discussion boards and in comments on blogs.

A current and monthly updated summary of all business support services such as the CPA, attorney(s), financial planner(s), landlord, lenders, government agencies in case any are needed urgently.

virtual assistant services cost

Get a personal assistant. If you’re overworked and some can’t seem to find the time to carry out essential aspects of your job, then it could be worth considering a personal assistant. They can help by significantly cutting back the time you spend on the phone or addressing minor issues. You could even use an affordable virtual pa service or outsourced call centre, which can drastically cut back the hours you spend answering calls.

Take the time to check out past work like websites, contents and sample work. You can ask them to take some preliminary tests to see if the result jives with your expectations.

Both Virtual and Personal assistants can handle this for you but on different levels. The Personal assistant can act as your right hand man (or woman) at meetings and networking functions. Meanwhile, the Virtual assistant imports your list of prospects into your online database from their office instead of yours. If your to-do list requires someone to be on-hand instead of online then a personal assistant is your best option.

I hope these 10 tips inspire you to go out there and find some new clients. It may take a few months to build a solid client base but your efforts will be well worth it when you are enjoying working for yourself in your own home based virtual assistant business.

virtual personal assistant services