Gamecocks or native chickens Probably one of the pets that has received the attention of Thai people. because it can be seen from every region that there is a wide feast which some people who are interested in raising some gamecocks for extra income But when fed and did what he loved making it possible to expand the farming until it becomes the main occupation and generates good income as well as giving sincerity to customers who like to raise gamecocks like themselves

Mr. Niwat Poomherit
In which raising cocks in this era is more popular to raise as a supplementary occupation. because in addition to helping to relax the leisure from regular work Can also make money as an extra income as well. Therefore, the gamecock that is this kind of poultry, in addition to creating happiness, is also one of the pets that no matter how many eras have passed, there are still the most feasts.

Mr. Niwat Poomherit is at number 27/2, Kong sub-district, Kong Krailas district. Sukhothai Is another person who has been fond of raising gamecocks since childhood. Therefore, the gamecock is his favorite pet and ไก่ชนพม่า is in the blood. Later, when he had the opportunity, he built his own farm and continued to develop farming. Until making the chickens in the farm become popular and able to generate income for him as well.

Khun Niwat told me that In the beginning, the game was not raised yet. Go to work at the factory first. But I have seen raising cocks for a long time since my father’s generation. But while working, I still keep coming around to watch. Later, when a heavy heart began to want to come and raise a full body. This was the starting point for him to resign. And came to raise cocks seriously 3 years ago and expand the farming. Until the cocks in the farm are in demand by customers until today.

“At the age of 18, I started to raise my own for fun. Later, I went to work at the factory and didn’t take it very seriously. But still do some as a supplementary occupation. After about 2017, I started to think that we didn’t want to work in the factory anymore. Therefore, it came as a starting point for serious gamecock farming. as well as developing varieties to meet market demand based on the principle that people are interested or villagers who want to raise seriously You can buy gamecocks at an affordable price. and bring the chickens I raised to develop and inspire them to continue raising them,” Mr. Niwat told us.

release in confined spaces
In the matter of breeding gamecocks to achieve the quality that the market demands, Ms. Niwat said that breeders with good characteristics must be selected to mix together. The breeder has to go through the field and is aged about 15 months, while the female hen must be at the age of 8 months. Let them stay together for about 20 days. Once the males are fertilized with the mother, the brood will be taken out of the breeding ground and allowed the mother to incubate the eggs.

When the eggs are incubated at about 20 days old, the chicks are then left to raise the chicks for about 7 weeks, after which they are nursed in the prepared area. In addition, the chicks are vaccinated for about 1 month in kindergarten. After that, they are raised in a confined area until the chicks are 3 and a half months old, and then let them live in natural herds.

Let the hens take care of about 7 days.
“When the chickens that we are raising in nature in a herd begin to mature until they are 8 months old, then we will pick them up and put them in a coop. as well as dredging and practicing collision skills and provide nourishing food so that the chickens have beautiful feathers and a good structure When any trained chicken has more and more glitter. will prepare the gamecock to be ready and bring it to post on various social media media in order to bring gamecocks in the farm to customers who are interested to continue watching,” said Ms. Niwat.

In the matter of the gamecock market, Khun Niwat said that the quality chickens must be made to the quality that the customers bought and can then be reared or developed their own breeds at his farm. And most importantly, customers must get all quality gamecocks that come out of his farm. The more you sell online as well, the sincerity to your customers is very important. As a result, he cares a lot about this in the production of quality gamecocks.

nursery of chicks
The price of all the gamecocks sold will be trained to be ready to crash into the field. The price starts from 1,000 baht to 5,000 baht or more, so that the gamecocks in his farm can reach customers of all levels. Those who are interested in gamecocks at the beginning can buy gamecocks at an affordable price to learn to raise them first without having to invest a lot.

“Raising cocks to be successful For me, sincerity towards customers is very important. because if we are sincere Not focusing on only creating profits. can raise gamecocks as a sustainable occupation For those who are interested in raising gamecocks. I must say that The first thing that is required is the matter of love. If we love to feed and take seriously what we love No matter what you do, it will definitely be successful,” said Mr. Niwat.