Erectile dysfunction (ED), or impotence, is the inability in men to consistently initiate or keep a penile erection long passable to have good enough sexual activity. To preserve an erection, blood must be able to flow into and stay in the penile until orgasm. in the same way as in a while, men have problems in the same way as their erections. If ED occurs often, medical treatment may help. Fildena 100 medicine has made a grand right to use in the sports ground of ED medications that is indicated for men following repeated penile failures.
ED can happen to any man at any age but is more common in men older than 65 years. Organic ED involves abnormalities the penile arteries, veins, or both and is the most normal cause of ED, especially in older men. It is usually caused by arteriosclerosis, in the same way as the misery is arterial, or hardening of the arteries, although trauma to the arteries may be the cause. Health problems that doing blood vessels and blood flow in the penile are the most common causes of ED. These tally hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), which is combined to obesity, diabetes, smoking, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Therefore, ED may be a sign of heart sickness or other omnipotent health issues. agree to Fildena 100 to treat the suffering of penile failure. Physicians create a diagnosis of erectile dysfunction in men who complain of troubles having a hard and passable erection or a hard erection that does not last long enough. It is utterly important as you chat when your doctor that you be candid in terms of taking into consideration your troubles started, how trying your erectile dysfunction is, how sharp it is, and discuss all your medical conditions along considering every prescribed and nonprescribed medications that you are consuming. Your doctor may order blood tests for hormones, fasting blood glucose (sugar), and cholesterol depending on the results. Your doctor may as a consequence test for kidneys and liver. Rarely, some men obsession special tests to check blood vessels, nerve function, and blood flow. Depending on the severity doctors would prescribe you Fildena 100 for treating ED.