IPTV Panel
No branding or link back

Use your own logo
slogan and copyright message too
No link back
No links or images relating to our product or service

Front end shop

You can disable / enable front store at any time in admin.

You get a front end store to sell your products.

You can set a custom currency, From $, £, € to ¥

You can set unlimited Combinations, say $1 for a day , $5 for a month of service or any other duration or cost.

You can sell reseller accounts and end user lines.

You keep 100% of profits.

Front site is 100% automated and users can buy reseller panels or lines and get instant activation.
Admin Features

With your purchase you get a full control of your admin back end for your panel.

Add unlimited lines resellers and users.

Manage streams, delete, edit and add live and vod.

Manage users, resellers and Admin

Manage -add, delete and suspend lines.

Manage products to sell, you can sell iptv reseller plans and iptv subscriptions

Change theme quickly.