Career change is a natural result of changing employment. But career change should not happen without due consideration. Career change involves evaluating the benefits and drawbacks of leaving your present job and exploring your readiness to engage in new tasks and responsibilities. Career change may also be a consequence of downsizing, when your work force is being reduced and you have to make room in your already full schedule for the new arrival. Career change could also take place with your old job and working within your own firm to build something better for yourself (Hopefully better in tune with your values, talents and attitude). Career change could also be a natural outgrowth of career exploration and learning, when you find yourself becoming more knowledgeable about the current industry in which you currently work.

How can you tell if this is the right time for a career change? There are several indicators that may help you determine if this article is indeed the right time for your career change. Career change may be inevitable as you grow in age or when another significant life event occurs. In cases like these, it is much easier to choose a career field that will fit with your emerging talents and experiences. In some other instances, however, career change may be a prudent decision because the skills and credentials that you have acquired in one career may not transfer very effectively to another career field.

So how do you know if a career change is right for you? Many people decide to make a career change once they have reached a certain level in their current occupation. Others choose a second career, so that they can have a variety of career opportunities. Still others are motivated by the opportunity to do something different after retirement. Whatever your motivation, it is important to know the pros and cons of a career change so you can weigh your options.

One of the pros to changing careers is that you are constantly changing the focus of your work. When you work in one career, you may become complacent in that occupation. In other words, you may stop trying. If you work in two or more careers, however, you will find yourself working in different fields each day. Your day job may still be your primary occupation but you will also have additional secondary careers.

Another pro to a midlife career change is the financial benefits. You can make a great living on two incomes. If you decide to move to a new career, you will only have one income to worry about. On the other hand, if you stay in your same career, you may be stuck in your old job with no advancement opportunities.

A third pro to changing careers is that you can enjoy greater job security. If you find that you are unhappy in your job, you can always leave and find a better position elsewhere. However, if you remain in your primary duties, it may not be easy to find a replacement. If you switch to a new career, however, you can often get the same position or a similar position with a different title and responsibility. Your chance for career advancement has increased.

A fourth pro to career change careers is that when you make this type of change, you may actually increase your earning potential. Your earning potential will be greater if you pursued a higher education degree or an advanced degree. These types of degrees will typically pay more than a Bachelor’s degree.

You will also enjoy greater job satisfaction with changing careers. If you are unhappy with your present salary, you will likely feel like making an upgrade to your career would improve your life. In fact, you may even feel like reliving your college years. If you do not enjoy your current career, you will not feel like advancing in it. Switching will allow you to feel like you are taking a step up the ladder of your salary.