With people across the country confined to their homes in a bid to slow the coronavirus as it sweeps the nation, many are looking for ways to make food stocks last longer to reduce their trips to the supermarket. 

Brits are currently only allowed out of their homes to exercise once a day or ios game cheats (akwaibomnewsonline.com) visit shops for essential goods. 

Thankfully there are plenty of hacks to keep fresh produce fresher for longer, from wrapping bananas in clingfilm to storing asparagus like flowers in jars of water.

Here, Femail reveals the handy online hacks to cut down on waste and help your food and veg last.


Sunripe fresh, a food market in Canada, revealed the best way to keep bananas fresh is to wrap the stems in clingfilm. It works for Good Top Stuffs individual bananas or bunches

Sunripe fresh, a food market in Canada, revealed the best way to keep bananas fresh is to wrap the stems in clingfilm. It works for individual bananas or bunches.

Others also suggest peeling bananas and freezing them, then adding them to smoothies and recipes. 






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A mother-of-three shared a clever hack for ensuring she always has enough milk for her tea and coffee – freezing it into ice cube bags. 

Donna Theresa, 46, from Worthing, wanted to use what she had at home without popping to the shops, saying she found it difficult to find food items she needed as many were out of stock due to people stockpiling. 

Donna posted the tip on Facebook’s Feed Your Family on a Budget page – and it’s gained over 834 likes and hundreds of comments from users praising her smart idea.

Donna Theresa, 46, from Worthing, wanted to use what she had at home without popping to the shops, saying she found it difficult to find food items she needed as many were out of stock due to people stockpiling. Pictured: milk frozen into ice cube bags