Branson is Astronaut 001 and will travel with Chief Astronaut Beth Moses (Astronaut 002), Lead Operations Engineer Colin Bennett (Astronaut 003) and VP of Government Affairs Sirisha Bandla (Astronaut 004) in the cabin. 

Holly is the eldest child of Richard Branson and his wife Joan. The University College London graduate worked as a junior doctor for Britain’s National Health Service before joining the Virgin Group in 2008. 

The 444 municipalities in Ontario, Canada’s most populous province, would face a combined revenue shortfall of about C$2.4 billion ($1.9 billion) due to the pandemic, Ontario’s Financial Accountability Office said website in December.

Asked by why he vandalized the gallery as he was being led to a squad car, Webber yelled out: ‘Because Hunter Biden is helping to launder money for his godfather. That’s why Daddy War Crimes were the words on the wall.’

While cities elsewhere, including in the United States, have also faced higher costs, there has been an outsized impact on Canadian municipalities due to a small pool of insurers, smaller populations and the legal requirement for municipalities to have joint and several liability (J&S) coverage, according to DBRS Morningstar.

The province needs certainty that a change would mean a decline in insurance rates, and there is not enough data “to confidently draw a causal connection,” a spokesperson for the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General said.

Although J&S is not unique to municipal policies, the perception of governments as deep-pocketed has driven outsized payouts, said Pete Karageorgos, consumer and industry relations director at the Insurance Bureau of Canada.

Hunter Biden’s artworks could sell for as much as $500,000 raising questions about whether buyers will think their money is buying access or favors. The White House says it was involved in making arrangements to keep their identities hidden from officials and to ensure the gallerist would not accept inflated bids

As police officers removed him from the scene, Webber said he wrote ‘Daddy war crimes with hair spray – which washes off like any sidewalk art’ – although the word ‘Daddy’ was all that could be seen on the wall in pink lettering. 

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If higher property taxes – the most reliable source of revenue at a time when other income, such as transit fees, has been decimated due to lockdowns – become unaffordable for residents, “the other alternative is cutting expenses and reducing services,” he said.

‘Ask any politician – you can’t avoid being corrupted by the office. Maybe he went in with good intentions, but he’s been corrupted over the years. He’s worked with segregationists, Klansmen. And now, I don’t even know what’s going on with this gallery situation but he can’t stop bombing Syria or Iraq and someone should say something about it, so let’s go see Hunter Biden’s gallery.’

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White House Press Secretary earlier on Friday Jen Psaki said Hunter Biden had a ‘right to pursue an artistic career,’ as she tried to justify the administration’s role in brokering arrangements for the sale of his paintings.

TORONTO, July 13 (Reuters) – Canadian municipalities reeling from a pandemic-driven hit to revenues are facing an added blow from surging liability insurance costs, forcing them to raise property taxes or even cut services for residents.