Smartphone innovation has stagnated, and this is not a knock against the consumer electronics companies or the tech giants that design them. Maybe we’ve reached peak smartphone, and this is as far as it needs to go. It could well be part of the reason why the race to upgrade your phones is slowing.

‘W is for Italy’: Italian papers relishing the country’s… Wimbledon set to break with tradition by appointing its… British pair Joe Salisbury and Harriet Dart edge Centre… Denis Shapovalov explodes at Wimbledon umpire shouting ‘are…

Update and target your resume for a couple of companies that you want to work for even if there are no occupation openings at the second. Focus on those in growth industries, power, well being, security, for example. If you go after what you want, you’ll have better focus and determination.

TORONTO, July 13 (Reuters) – Canadian municipalities reeling from a pandemic-driven hit to revenues are facing an added blow from surging liability insurance costs, forcing them to raise property taxes or even cut services for residents.

The vast southern continent with such a deep tennis tradition had not produced a Wimbledon singles champion of either sex since Lleyton Hewitt in 2002, but now it has another — and this should not be her last.


And that just about wraps things up for today…

It’s been a relatively quiet day on the transfer front in the world of football, with nearly everybody’s attention focused elsewhere this evening…

Newcastle United tie down FIVE players to new deals

Murphy, Fernandez, Gayle and Dummett have all reported back for pre-season training, while Schar will return later this month after being given extra time to recover from his exertions at Euro 2020.

Mail Online

I was born and raised in developing Asia, a region where buying a smartphone is financially unattainable for hundreds of millions of people, much less a two-year upgrade. In India, the average person needs to save two months’ salary to buy the cheapest available smartphone, according to a survey published by the Alliance for Affordable Internet last August. From my perspective, the trend of routinely upgrading a phone every two years when it doesn’t change that much is a privilege, one that reminds me of the stark income equality gap as well as the ever-increasing digital divide globally.

Although J&S is not unique to municipal policies, the perception of governments as deep-pocketed has driven outsized payouts, said Pete Karageorgos, consumer and industry relations director at the Insurance Bureau of Canada.

While the bigger tax bases help, that benefit is “consumed by the cost to service” the growth, said Sandra Zwiers, director of finance for the County of Essex, about 350 kilometers southwest of downtown Toronto, which has received an influx of residents from around the city.

However, making indignant a potential purchaser of your goods or services is heading to have an influence on sales – and not a good one. Yes, controversy sells in some arenas but in the operating shoe market, controversy isn’t this kind of a great idea. But a evaluation of the newest providing from Nike will keep these runners coming back – and maybe even buying some thing.

Despite being considered lower-risk than other cities, premiums in Waterloo rose a “modest” 9.8% last year, and a “significant” increase is expected this year, said Brian McEnhill, risk manager for the insurance pool.

When reunited with her boyfriend and hitting partner Garry Kissick, resplendent in his Liverpool FC cap, shortly afterwards up in the All England Club corridors, the tears came again. The match could hardly have begun in a way more likely to settle her nerves. She won the first 14 points and was more than half way to a ‘Golden Set’ when Pliskova finally got on the scoreboard.

Apart from that, major differences between the S21 and last year’s S20 were mostly incremental. I remember having to pore over the specs sheet to spot salient differences as I covered Samsung’s virtual Unpacked event. Refinements were made to the usual suspects, including the processor, software and 5G. This might have been part of Samsung’s response to the global coronavirus pandemic, but it lends credence to the notion of a decreasing technological gap. It was also interesting to note the items Samsung dropped from the S21 flagship family to meet that lowered price. We said goodbye to expandable storage, bundled earphones and most notoriously the in-box charger, as Samsung followed in Apple’s lead — apparently in the name of the environment. 

“Underwriters only have a certain amount of premium dollars,” said David Richards, chief executive of specialty insurance brokerage EQUA Specialty Risk Partners Corporation. “If they’re historically losing money on municipal insurance … then capacity shrinks. As a result, they focus on where they can make money.”

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