politics is the cause of the drop in Indonesia democracy index – politics has become more prevalent during this pandemic where people must follow whatever decisions are given by politics.

The 2020 Democracy Index report notes that Indonesia is ranked 64th with a score of 6.3. This score has decreased from the previous one, namely 6.48. Apart from the COVID-19 pandemic, radicalism and intolerance are also the causes of the democracy index in Indonesia to decline.

during the disbandment of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), there were a number of suicide bombings. But what stands out is that identity politics is increasingly prevalent. This is an indicator so that our democracy index goes down.

In improving Indonesia’s democracy index in the coming year, there is a need for persuasion (approach) and must avoid image politics. Transparency to the public is the most important thing. This is manifested by saying what it is and also opening communication as widely as possible but still closing the gaps of radicalism and intolerance, and opening oneself to positive things.

the Indonesian nation is able to maintain democratic values, strengthen the value of unity Latest political events and news uphold the values of Pancasila so as not to become a country with a flawed democracy.