No Top Ten of the 2000′s would be complete without an American Idol contestant. The show brought pop music back into our TVs and made us believe in a pop star, before they even got their sea legs. Clarkson showed that the faith of viewers wasn’t misplaced. She has continued to deliver pop hits and has become a force in her own right, something that few people suspected American Idol could do.

TR: Weren’t there some of your tunes that got held back by the record company because they didn’t think they would sell? Was “Vincent” one of those songs that you had written but they wouldn’t put it out for some reason?

Dynamics are notes that tell a student how quickly or how loudly to play a piece. Small ps and fs, sometimes with an m or various combinations of the three, denote volume, while words like andante and allegretto denote speed. Easy songs will have only a few of these, or just one at the beginning. This also includes crescendo and decrescendo marks, which look like stretched out greater than and less than signs, and dots (stacatto) and other marks above specific notes. The fewer there are in the piece, the easier it is to play.

And this harder edge made them less likely to simply accept what the grownups of the world told them. They began to search for their own identities in ways that teenagers never really had. As part of this, they grew increasingly bored with the pop music they were hearing.

He says what he thinks even about people who are doing extraordinarily well and are popular at the time. Most folks in the business won’t express those types of opinions, at least for the time period that the people are doing well anyway. Most folks usually jump on the bandwagon.

When you download music, pop is going to be the genre that gives you the most choice. Because pop stands for ‘popular’ it can be made up of just about anything. But we all think of best pop songs as a genre of music that isn’t too serious. The tunes aren’t overly complicated and the lyrics are light. In other words, pop is light music that usually appeals to a wide range of ages. At times pop tunes can be a bit too frivolous and then it’s easy to make of these. But pop groups have contributed to the spirit of an entire generation. You only have to think of golden oldies by Abba and the Beatles. Their best pop songs will live forever. In fact, they keep getting more and more popular as time goes by.

Written and sung by John Lennon, this is one of the Beatles most famous early songs, partly because it’s also the title for their influential movie of the same name also released in 1964. It was of course also the name of the accompanying album which holds the distinction of being the only Beatles album to include only Lennon/McCartney originals. It was The Beatles 3rd album and a big step forward for the band. “A Hard Day’s Night” was a #1 single both the US & the UK.

“Subterranean Homesick Blues,” (1965). Bob Dylan. As a singer of protest songs, Bob Dylan had been one of the leading performers of the early 1960s folk movement. His move to “folk rock” in 1965 was shocking to his fan base, and when he appeared on stage at the Newport Folk Festival with an electric guitar, he was vigorously booed, in one of the most famous incidents of the period. This song was revolutionary not only for its innovative blend of musical styles, but also for its new use of language. The intensity of imagery was something that had never been heard before in pop music and would not be equaled again until Grand Master Flash and “The Message” of 1982. (See below).

top songs 2021