Acupressure is an ancient form of massage which relies on applying pressure to different points on the human body using the fingers, thumbs and palm. It is used for a number of ailments and can also be used on people during times of stress. Therapists might use unique methods, pressures and rhythms in the process. It has gained popularity among people in recent years mainly due to the many health benefits provided by this kind of massage. In actuality, it is one of the most used remedies in Swedish massage parlors.

The most important merit of Acupressure lies in its ability to relieve pain, relaxation and anxiety. Stress is known to lead to illnesses and fatigue. The soothing and relaxing effects of Acupressure make it ideal for relieving physical and psychological stress and to promote healing. This is why it’s often included in healing therapies designed to promote good health, especially for people who have long term illnesses and are suffering from fatigue.

Acupressure uses acupressure points along the meridians. It was believed by traditional Chinese medicine that meridians exist on each organ system and that these meridians existed across the major vessels of the body such as the spleen, stomach, kidney and colon. Meridians were also thought to link the skin and the organs. According to traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture is effective in treating inner illness. Acupressure stimulates the blood vessels in the body, thereby relieving blood pressure and stimulating energy that could be distributed to other areas of the body through the meridians.

Other merit of Acupressure includes treating several types of headaches. There are different types of headaches based on the meridians and they flow and if they are from depression or strain. Tension headaches are often caused by an excessive amount of pressure exerted on a certain region of the mind, while depression and stress headaches are from feelings of sadness, anxiety and worry. A good Acupressure technique for relieving headaches is to apply pressure along the acupressure points along the meridians of the neck and shoulders. By doing so, it would relieve the pressure from the aggravation. Another advantage of using Acupressure methods is that there are no chemicals involved unlike in taking Tylenol which can cause unpleasant side effects such as nausea, diarrhea and vomiting.

Among the other merit of Acupressure is treating indigestion and nausea. The body experiences three states-being complete, light and medium. Indigestion is usually known as heartburn because it happens when the meals which we eat are burnt by stomach acid. If you are experiencing indigestion and you are not sure what caused it, ask your physician for proper diagnosis. Acupressure has been known to be a natural alternative to prescription medications and will treat your ailment permanently.

One of the merit of Acupressure include treating breast cancer survivors. Breasts have receptor sites along the muscle layers of our body, connecting with cerebral neurons that control both pumping and metabolism of energy within our bodies. It’s because of this that our breasts encounter changes throughout the menstrual cycle. Oftentimes, our breasts create tenderness and pain especially during the portion of our menstrual cycle called the menstruation. Acupressure has been demonstrated to help alleviate the pain caused by this hormonal disturbance in addition to promoting metabolic efficiency by stimulating the default-mode network of the brain that helps circulate blood and nutrient throughout our body’s tissues.

Another virtue of Acupressure lies in treating our body’s chronic pains such as headaches, backaches, arthritis, menstrual cramps, colds, flu, indigestion, menstrual pains, PMS, sciatica, and tonsillitis. Although it cannot cure these pains, acupressure massage has been proven to be an effective pain reliever. Research studies show that applying constant pressure to acupressure points contributes to reducing headache pain in 90% of the subjects. Another interesting study shows that acupressure may also lessen the effects of traumatic brain injury, stroke, and cerebral palsy.

One of the benefits of using Acupressure as therapy is that it’s not limited to the treatment of one’s ailment alone but may be applied also to attaining general health improvement. Research studies show that regular application of acupressure massages might increase the flow of lymph and stimulate the production of white blood cells in the body’s extremities. Other benefits include preventing tumor cells from forming within our body, enhancing our immune system and improving our endocrine system, activating the parasympathetic nervous system and enhancing our digestive system.

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