Planning a casino getaway is one of the most exciting adventures an avid gambler can embark on. You’re finally going to get your shot at the casino of your dreams.

It doesn’t matter if this is your first casino trip or if you’re making a return visit to a particular casino. Even a short weekend trip to the local casino can be a much-needed break from the daily grind.

The proper casino vacation may take you to exotic locales in distant lands, or it could be a road trip with friends across the country.

Regardless of where your travels take you, you’ll want to maximize the fun. Below are my seven tips for getting the most from your casino vacation.

1 – Get Out and Enjoy the Town
I have experienced almost any possible type of casino vacation imaginable. I’ve had trips where I spent under two hours on the casino floor for an entire three-day trip.

I’ve also spent over 95% of my time in the casino over the course of a week, either playing, eating, or sleeping in the casino.

I can’t tell you how much more enjoyable my experiences have been when I take time to get out of the casino and enjoy the destination. Much to my surprise, these exciting excursions often happen away from the golf course.

My office is a shrine to these unique opportunities to get out and grab some air. I’ve got art from local artists from South Africa, Spain, Australia, the Philippines, and across the rural US.

When you spend all of your time gambling in the casino, you take a far greater mental and physical toll on yourself than you realize.
A simple, elegant dining experience at a local restaurant will likely be a memory you hold onto much longer than what you won or lost—account for getting off the casino floor when planning your trip.

For those leaving the kids at home, คาสิโน merely spending a day lounging around the room with your significant other may be the break you’ve been yearning for.

2 – Saving a Buck Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Have it All
Having a firm budget to work with doesn’t mean you need to settle. In fact, knowing where you should spend your money could save you in the long run.

One of the most pressing expenses for many casino visitors is travel. Besides, it wouldn’t be much of a vacation if you were going to the casino 30 minutes away on horseback.

Depending on where you’re traveling for your vacation, you may be debating between driving or flying. It’s important to factor in all factors for each.

These added expenses when driving are the more obvious, like fuel, food, and lodging. Still, it’s essential to factor in other factors. What if you have a flat tire or are somehow stranded.

Will you have funds in reserve to continue on your trip?

More importantly, will you at least be able to get home?

Betting Bankroll

Air travel can sometimes seem more expensive at first glance. Gas in your Camry will likely be much less split between four people than a plane ticket for one.

However, air travel will save you hours, if not days, of travel time. It also deletes the danger of many unexpected expenditures.

Airline tickets have hit all-time lows, so you may be able to upgrade to first class for much less than you imagine. This alone can be a once-in-a-lifetime treat that is a highlight of your vacation.

Where you’ll be staying is much more important than many people realize. You’ll be spending more time in your room than you think.

Frequently, the room becomes command central for all ancillary activities. You won’t want to be stuck in a cheap, dank, smoke-stained room while you’re planning activities or catching up on much-needed rest.

Again, by shopping around in advance, you can have the room of your dreams at a budget-friendly price. Never skimp on your vacation because you’re too lazy to look for a better deal.

3 – Have Money Set Aside for Emergencies
Taking a fabulous casino vacation can deplete funds quickly. You’ll need to budget for meals, travel, lodging, and gambling at the table games. Plus, you’ll want a reserve for things like souvenirs and random adventures.

In my younger days, I would budget down to the dollar. This meant I spent a lot of time by myself while the others went on what I considered frivolous excursions.

None of us ever spent the time considering what to do in case of an emergency. I suppose my best plan was to call my parents.

In fact, we called it the Collin County bailout. Fortunately, I learned from these mistakes and began to plan for hiccups along the way.

Booking the travel and lodging in advance takes away some of the unknown because you’ve got a place to sleep and a way home regardless of what happens.

This emergency fund can be used for anything from buying meals to extending your gambling bankroll on the tail end of your vacation. You mustn’t have a plan for this money other than to use it when needed.

Taking any casino winnings and depositing them into your bank account can give you tremendous peace of mind. Having more money than you need will seldom be a problem on a casino trip.

4 – Be Flexible, Have a Plan
Being flexible is easier for some than others. For example, I’m a roll with the punches type of guy.

If someone at the party becomes ill or our room isn’t ready upon arrival, I find the next best option and run with it.

However, at the first bump in the road, things tend to come to a screeching halt.

I’m not sure one is a better way to view the world. But for the purposes of travel, I prefer my way.

Before your trip, research other nearby attractions and restaurants. Suppose an unforeseen event prevents you from sticking to your primary itinerary. In that case, you’ll be able to quickly adapt and salvage the day.

5 – Take Advantage of All the Resort Has to Offer
The modern-day casino resort is a massive amusement park. Yes, many of the attractions are geared towards adults.

Still, most resorts have great activities for the entire family. You’re paying for the whole of the experience, so you should take advantage of all the entertainment offered by the casino.

You’re headed to the casino for the gambling. Still, you may be staying feet away from your favorite celebrity chef’s restaurant.

Casino Games

The spas and their services at many of the premier casino resorts are second to none. Even if you’re not interested in a massage, it could be a great way to treat someone else.

You’ll even gain a little alone time for the effort.

You’ll have an unlimited number of ways to keep yourself entertained on a casino vacation, and gambling is only one of them.

6 – Account for Time Upon Arrival and for Departure
Allotting enough time for your vacation is paramount. I’ve spent many trips where I felt rushed before I ever left the house.

That’s because I was trying to squeeze a five-day vacation into two and a half days. It’s a pretty common rookie mistake.

You want the vacation experience to be as stress-free as possible. I suggest budgeting a full day of your vacation for travel.
You may arrive at the casino reasonably early in the day. If so, that’s great.

You can settle into your room, get a lay of the land, and even get some gambling in that night. However, if there are delays, you won’t be left out in the cold for a show you had tickets to or a dinner reservation.

You also don’t want to arrive home at 11 pm on Sunday night to turn around and be at work at 7 am on Monday morning. Give yourself plenty of time to unwind and recover from your vacation before you get back in the grind.

7 – Allow Time for a Side Quest
One of the most excellent features of travel is the exciting mini-trips within your vacation.

Your casino vacation may be taking you to a corner of the world that you’ll never see again. This makes your trip the perfect time to build a break into your vacation.

The first trip I took to Macau, I had no idea whether I’d have a chance to return. Hong Kong had been on my bucket list since I watched the first Rush Hour movie with Jackie Chan.

So, I made a plan to spend three days in HK while on vacation. It was undoubtedly the highlight of not only my trip, but my year.

You aren’t required to fly halfway around the world to make a memorable trip. It could be any sight worth seeing close to your destination.

You’ll get to see things you’ve never imagined taking casino vacations, but you’ll need to go find them.

These seven tips for getting the most from your casino vacation will have you going from novice traveler to globetrotter in the blink of an eye.