Divorce is an expensive proposition for most couples. It is never an attractive procedure and is often ripe using a variety of negative emotions. And of course counseling and psychologist statements that many incur after or through a divorce. Consequently, as we’re in an economic downturn, the divorce rate has seen a dip.
For some, it’s not really financially viable. That instant income is very important to some and giving up that in favor of the numerous fees and additional expenses related to a divorce is simply not an option.
The percentage of divorced females in 1970 was 3.5. It increased to 8.9percent in 1990, but has remained fairly steady as, coming at 11.1% in 2008. The amount of divorces among girls 15 years and older dropped from 17.5 per 1,000 women to 16.9 per 1,000 girls from 2007 to 2008. A summit of 22.6 per 1,000 girls was seen in 1980. The report also points out that, based on Michael Gerson of the Washington Post, divorce lawyers prince william va also declined during the Great Depression.
The fiscal obligations that are so frequently connected with divorce likely have a significant influence on the decrease in the divorce rate, although it’s important to point out that the strain imposed by the downturn on wallets could also put a strain on marriages.
Marriages which are a little rocky to begin with could observe an increased amount of anxiety as creditors, unemployment, foreclosures and other unpleasant fiscal consequences associated with a slouching economy affect the marriage. Money problems have been known to put a strain on a marriage and those money woes are just amplified during a recession for many individuals. This additional tension may push off some unions of the foundation.
Both scenarios likely have some impact on the overall divorce rate. Couples who do decide to get a divorce may be more prone to go through mediation and uncontested divorce, that are less expensive options than just taking a divorce hearing to trial.
In the brief term, it seems as though the divorce rate will decline as the recession compels many to tighten their belt. However, in the long term, the divorce rate may stay largely unchanged once the recession is over.