At the time of searching for a loan to buy home / car or financing for your new business, you will find loans now in an easier manner. After the liberalization of Indian economy, there a number of providers for Personal Loans, Home loan or any other types of finances. That makes the whole process more confusing. Deciding the lender and availing loans at lower rate are the two most important steps before taking a loan. As Indian loan market is in its transition state, lenders vary in the nature of their business up to a significant extent. This difference necessitate the need do a thorough research about different loan options and different lenders, repayment period, rate of interest etc.

Generally interest rates associated with personal loans can be fixed or floating in type. A fixed interest rate by the name it suggests does not vary according to the fluctuations of the money market during the loan tenure. A floating interest rate on the other hand is the rate updated by the lender depending upon the ongoing market trends. A floating interest rate can go up or down depending on the demand and supply of money in the money market. In Indian loans market, there are lenders who offer the option to take the loan which is split between fixed and floating interest rates. this article combination paves the way for low interest personal loan.

Low interest personal loans offers instant cash at an affordable rate and is a useful finance option for travel, wedding expenses, home renovation, down payments, medical expenses, education and investments. You can also use the loan amount to transfer your outstanding credit card balance or pay off an existing loan and benefit from lower interest rates. These loans can be secured or unsecured. As a thumb rule, the secured category is the low rate personal loan as the security pledged by the borrower acts as a negative catalyst for the payable rate of interest.

The second thumb rule to avail the low rate personal loan is comparison. It is evident that more choice leads to better rates. The loan applicant should talk to multiple banks for his loan requirement to make sure his pay affordable EMIs with the lowest interest rate. Once the loan applicant identifies the need for taking a loan, he will have a rough idea regarding the loan amount. The next step what the loan applicant needs to do is checking his eligibility for taking loans. Lenders have their own criteria for determining the loan eligibility of an individual and this is highly variable concept. For salaried persons, the amount of loan is generally a multiple of their gross monthly income. For businessmen, it is a multiple of total annual income.