A few of those highlights include: Oprah Winfrey giving advice to college graduates, astronauts dropping in from the International Space Station and the original cast of Hamilton singing Alexander Hamilton to a 9-year-old girl who missed out on the show.

In the words of Krasinski, who later stands up to reveal he’s actually wearing proper suit pants for this episode (instead of boxers), “No matter how hard things get, there is always good in the world.”

Israeli police used water cannons to disperse demonstrators around Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s residence on Saturday as protests mounted against him over alleged corruption and his handling of the coronavirus crisis.

“We are today signing an executive order allowing people to get their marriage licenses remotely and also allowing clerks to perform ceremonies over video,” said Melissa DeRosa, an aide to Gov. Andrew Cuomo, during a press conference Saturday.

Around 2,500 Thai protesters on Saturday evening demanded the resignation of the government and the dissolution of parliament, defying a coronavirus ban on gatherings in one of the largest street demonstrations since a 2014 military coup.

To take the homage to the next level, Krasinski brought Jenna Fischer in as maid of honor (10:10), along with “some of my family.” After he married the couple, the cast of the Office then showed up to dance to Forever by Chris Brown.

The beautiful story that is John Krasinski’s Some Good News YouTube show has come full circle. Like the positive news show’s inaugural episode, episode 7 brought us another The Office reunion, this time featuring absolutely everyone — from Steve Carell to Jenna Fischer to Mindy Kaling.

Using Zoom can be hazardous at the best of times, but Krasinski not only married a couple on its virtual podium, he brought together the entire cast of The Office to reenact the orange wedding dance to Forever by Chris Brown that made Jim and Pam’s wedding truly special on the show.

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro said on Saturday that lockdown measures used to curb the spread of the novel coronavirus “kill” and have “suffocated” the country’s economy.
“Without salaries and jobs, people die,” he said referring to restrictions imposed by some states and municipalities. “Lockdown kills,” he added, saying that some politicians have suffocated the economy with forced curfews.

Some Good News, the feel-good news show hosted for the past eight weeks by John Krasinski, has sadly come an end — at least for its initial run of eight episodes. In the final instalment for now, Krasinski turned the lens on the positive community built up around the show, as well as dropping a few behind-the-scenes bloopers, including from last week’s The Office Zoom wedding.

With weeks of shelter-in-place orders past, lockdown is now becoming the new normal. Videoconference business meetings may not be a stretch for many office professionals, but now society at large is coming up with ways to hold funerals by videoconference, move classes online and, yes, get Zumped — that’s when your romantic partner breaks up with you via Zoom.

The virtual get together came about in celebration of Maryland couple Susan and John’s Zoom wedding, hosted by the newly ordained Krasinski. John proposed to Susan by recreating Jim’s bent knee to Pam outside a petrol station in The Office.


The pandemic has disrupted our existence in countless ways, but life goes on despite the hardships. Videoconferencing tools like Zoom, Google Hangouts, Microsoft Skype, Apple Facetime and Microsoft Teams have surged in use as people have signed on for business, school and personal connections.

For the most up-to-date news and information about the coronavirus pandemic, visit the WHO website.

Add weddings to the list of things you can do online during the coronavirus pandemic, along with dinner parties, schooling, concerts, cabinet meetings and of course dating, as people try to get stuff done despite stay-at-home rules. The state of New York now permits marriage ceremonies via videoconference.

New York has been the US state hardest hit by COVID-19, the disease caused by the new coronavirus. A key part of the response to try to curtail the virus’ spread have been social distancing actions like staying at home as much as possible.

Before the wedding festivities, Krasinski’s wife Emily Blunt had a go at opening the show doing her best Krasinski impression, American accent and all, but lasted less than a minute before Krasinski kicked her out of his presenter’s seat.

Princess Beatrice wore the same tiara as her grandmother Queen Elizabeth at her wedding this week, Buckingham Palace said, releasing more details about the surprise, private ceremony that was scaled back because of the coronavirus pandemic.

As the 27 leaders scurried back to their hotels after a late, inconclusive dinner, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and French President Emmanuel Macron stayed behind in the EU’s headquarters in Brussels to haggle with the Dutch-led camp of thrifty countries demanding cuts to the 1.8-trillion-euro package.