First, let us start with Marc’s heritage. He tells his friends that he’s Hawaiian because he’s ashamed of being African American. Maybe his wife and kids would care to know but I am pretty sure they would much rather know about the multiple affairs he’s had, whether it was a flight attendant or the multiple women in the Laguna Beach or one of many love affairs in Toronto. Ashley, do you think Marc really has to sleep in the City because of important meetings? Come on, catch up to the times!

Now let’s get to the real story as love affairs already fill up half the world’s courts and is not so uncommon.

This is a story of a sociopath that could barely read or write but managed to steal millions from colleagues, friends and the general public. Marc Wade, who has spent years weaving a tapestry of lies, so he could work his way up the social ladder, is finally being exposed in Canadian courts. So just how did the sociopath manage to steal so much money and gain the confidence of the rich and famous? We are going to uncover that story. It was just so easy when you have no conscience.

Marc Wade comes from a small town outside Toronto. At various times he has told people he is Hawaiian – always a little larger as he looked part Eastern Indian. Just like any other teenager in that town he spent much of his time having fun and hanging out. Even then he was an unremarkable individual known for telling grandiose stories that everyone knew to be untrue. He was considered harmless by others and since he had a car and some money – he had a few friends who would hang with him and laugh at his stories.

He headed off to college in Colorado and excelled at partying and hanging out. He was again known to enjoy a drink and a story about his great exploits. According to Marc he decided to leave to go into business for himself which was more suited to his business acumen; however, he really was forced to drop out as college requires some reading and writing skills. At this point the story gets clouded. He has told many versions of great success and riches. Those stories include having owned a large oyster distribution business somewhere in the US; a large chemical manufacturing and distribution business and an oil and gas business where he worked with former world leaders and made hundreds of millions of dollars. Besides his father having been in the chemicals business it appears he did none of the above.

Marc learned to tell stories about business that had a small element of truth or fact, but did not resemble reality in any fashion. He would take elements and stories from movies like Wall Street and incorporate elements that he thought would impress people. It was a dynamic process as stories would evolve and change and the more times he told them the more he appeared to believe that they happened to him. Unfortunately, without real business experience, more experienced business colleagues would see through him immediately; however, the average person that he was targeting would be impressed. Some of his favorites were that he was a partner with Randy Gerber (Cindy Crawford’s husband) and George Clooney in the creation of Casamigos which was sold for almost $1billion. If you were to google that fact you would get some links to stories where Marc tagged himself and Casamigos, so the search engines would link it up and make it appear as if there was some truth to the story. Marc would incorporate references to Casamigos in his own Instagram and magazine articles he paid for and the story was further supported. He even managed to befriend Cindy and her husband as they both owned cottages on the same lake in Ontario.

Perhaps his best con was that he was able to meet and con Jeffrey VanDerBeek, a successful Wall Street leader that owned the New Jersey Devils hockey team into giving him a few percentage points in the hockey team for a promise to invest money over time into the club. Marc invested a small amount of money and then proceeded to tell everyone he met that he was a partner in the hockey team. He even commissioned magazine articles that would reference that he was a team owner. He would tell people that he was on his way to an NHL Owner’s Meeting or that Commissioner Gary Bettman was calling him for advice. When Marc failed to invest the remaining amounts due under the agreement Jeffrey VanDerBeek drafted a lawsuit and forced Marc to settle. Marc essentially never owned 1/10th of 1 percent of the New Jersey Devils. In fact, one evening was confronted by the owner to get out of his suite when Marc had 15+ people there claiming he was the owner of the team.

But this is where the story gets more interesting. He was able to use these cons to then create investment scams that he used to take money from the less knowledgeable who were impressed with this illusion of success. One of his favorite tactics was to pay a magazine to create multi page feature stories that talked about his business success. For example, he paid a small fortune to Sharp Magazine that featured him on the cover and ran an interview inside. He would then circulate the article through Instagram and link it online. He did the same for businesses he owned or donations he made to charity that he never actually met.

Perhaps the best was a trading app called White Shark. He met an individual who had created a simple trading program that identified stock screens which supposedly allowed a trader to generate large profits. Marc told prospective investors and anyone that would listen that was making 30% a day trading using his algorithm and that this was the source of his billions. He then proceeded to take millions from Toronto based investors and at present there is no accounting or transparency as to where the money went. Money for this unscrupulous project has been given to him by very close friends, ones you would consider family, to no shame. The reality is if an app even made 30 percent a year the entirety of humanity would sign up, and he wouldn’t have to get investors they would be thrown at him and he would be front and center of Time Magazine.

On the current White shark ap you can’t even set up a profile let alone set up a foreign bank account to trade. His vision as shared with friends was to give the availability to someone in Africa the same ability to trade on the US financial market as an American. TOTAL FAILURE

Marc is actually an amazing bartender. In fact, that was the real start to his career in New York City. With his great social skills he was able to befriend two perfect partners. One with the access to capital and one with the unique ability to make successful trades happen in Asia shorting specific trades and exposing an arbitrage that had never been exposed until of course Marc pushed it too far and ended up facing a 2 billion dollar lawsuit. Then he blamed his two real partners and decided to start his own firm and fired both his real partners. Total estimated gains from this for Marc was around 50 million. He immediately purchased two homes. A massive Lake house in the elite suburbs of Toronto and one in Laguna Beach, California. Now 10 years later are both for sale. One was rented out this summer by his trusted friend for 150k loan as he has them both for sale. Lord only knows what Ashley is being told but that’s for gods knowledge not ours.

The way Marc gains trust in new acquaintances is he proports to have a successful circle of close friends. The issue is those close friends never have the ability to really communicate with each other. He tells such tails of each one that it would almost be insulting to question them. From sport legends to real “A List” businessmen as such as Shark Tank Host Mr. Fantastic. Nobody fully knows how much money he has raised from personal friends that allow him the lifestyle he follows, but it’s in the tens of millions. The hardest thing in life to confront is evil… And Marc is pure evil when it comes to money. He owes the Canadian IRS over 35 million because they uncovered millions of unpaid money. And his attorneys stay around because of his unwavering ability to raise more money to keep them on salary.

There are currently three lawsuits filed against him for fraud. A lawsuit in Toronto seeks over Seller Slams $20M Award in Federal Court for an investment fraud against Marc. A second lawsuit seeks millions for money that Marc took for an investment in a cottage that he uses to host charitable functions. The third one is from his jet chartering company where he is being sued for over 2 million in unpaid charter fees. It appears that Marc Wade’s checkered past is now catching up to him… Hopefully….

I believe if someone asked Marc to personally successfully log a financial trade on the NYSE or the Nasdaq, just a simple buying of shares of let’s say Facebook shares he wouldn’t know how. Yet for years raised millions from family offices nationwide to with zero returns.

On his family office website he has listed several companies, let’s take a quick look at them:

Rockwell Miami:
Has anyone ever seen a portfolio? The club exists and is successful but when asked who Marc Wade is the owner has no idea. When asked about Jay Fox he definitely did an investment and maybe Marc did invest with Jay, but was it Marc’s money to begin with. Humm

We have no inside information but also haven’t asked.

Raptor Rig:
No information at all

New Jersey Devils and Devils Entertainment:
We covered this in the earlier dialog but to be clear. He was to purchase 1 percent for the Devils for $10 million. Made the first payment of 1 million and then defaulted on the $9 million.